Char-Grill Bar, Bukit Indah


Don’t know what to eat in Johor Bahru? Want to try something new and nice? Look no further, let us introduce you, Char-Grill Bar, Bukit Indah.


Well located in a corner lot, and a big cow-head logo is not hard to find the shop at all.



The shop are separated into two main section where one is open-air and the other is air-conditioned indoor area. Both side are quite comfortable, there is even an area where you can sit on nice soft sofas and munch into the food.


Okay, now let us show some of the dishes there.


This is what we had for that day, a lovely meal prepared for us. Thanks Eric (the chef la :P).


A salad to start off, Char Grill Bar’s Soba Salad.


Char Grill Chicken. Nicely served!

chargrillbar_alio olio spaghetti

Alio Olio Spaghetti, ish, those fish fillet is so crunchy. And you see the good old oriental looking wine glass? It’s one of their Horoscope Cocktails. 12 uniquely prepared cocktails for you to chose, so after you try them all please do tell us which is you favorite lah.  😛


And a super huge cup to ice lemon tea.   😯 😯


Nah~ size comparison. 😆 We had fun shooting and interviewing with their managers and cook.


Okay guys, let us tell you more about Char-Grill Bar. Char-Grill Bar is a distinctive and well recognized Singaporean food and beverages brand in western cuisine. Since 2008, it grew to a phenomenal 23 heartland outlets within a shot span of four years. It created for itself a reputation of value for money, western food sets that come in sumptuous and well-presented varieties. So i guess now u know why are the cow-head logo looks so familiar. 😛


Char-Grill Bar

Operation time: 1100 to 2300




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